Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to Reset Printer Canon iP1980 In Total

For those of you who have a Canon IP 1980 printer, may one day be experiencing clever you are wearing can not directly print the document, the indicator light blinking and the message "The ink absorber is almost full".

How to Reset Printer Canon iP1980 The Total Image

Temporary solution that you might do is press the Resume button as instructed in the message. For a while you can print the document, but it kept recurring events and maybe even until the printer is only displaying a jamming indicator lights blink course, can not printing at all.

The actual condition is common in inkjet printers. In these printers the ink contained landfills or so-called waste ink tank, dump it in there kind of foam material (ink absorber) to absorb the waste ink from Cartridge, for example when the printer performs head cleaning process.

To prevent the waste ink melubernya, then the manufacturer makes a kind of counter that will count the number of print outs from the printer, when it has reached a certain boundary condition that "waste ink tank full" or "ink absorber is full" occurs and usually marked with an LED indicator flickering.

To overcome this you can do with a way to manually reset the printer or by using the printer resetter tool. Lack of manually reset the printer when the power failure will occur again the condition of "ink absorber full" or something and the printer must be reset again.

In this article I will try to share experiences on how to reset Canon iP1980 totally by hand and continued using resetter tool so the printer can be normal again.

How to Reset Canon iP1980 In Total

  1. Download General Tool first Canon IP1900 series, you can download it here
  2. Turn off the printer, then unplug the power cable
  3. While pressing the ON button plug the power cord back
  4. Still pressing the ON button, press the Resume button 2x
  5. Release both buttons.
  6. In this stage reset the printer in a temporary condition and to reset it completely, run the application General Tool Canon IP1900 that you have downloaded.
  7. Wait a moment until the program detects the printer as shown in the figure below.

Once the printer is detected, check the option EEPROM Clear and click the Test Pattern 1
Put a blank paper because the printer will immediately print the test.
Once the printer has finished ngeprint, click the Main and Platen then click Quit to exit.

Now you have to reset the Canon iP1980 in total. To try it out please turn the printer off then on again, klo you succeed then the printer will return to normal and could be using that to go back without being distracted ngeprint error message as above.
source : http://weswey.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-reset-printer-canon-ip1980-in.html

How to create email id on Google Mail (Gmail.com)

hey guys create your id on gmail.com it is incereasing its size day by day.
i have started it for just 2gb and now it has become 7gb.
>How to create a email id on gmail.com
as you know google is one of the big leaders who provide you email address.
if you want to make a gmail id then follow these steps.
  1. Open http://www.gmail.com
  2. click on Create an account.
  3. Then fill out a simple form.
gmail.com app_form1 
After this enter the image shown. this image is always distracted.
And then press I accept create MY account.
NOTE: if you see a distracted image you can type whatever letters you want . and press (I accept create My account.)
this will give you a new image .
source : http://abhaykant.wordpress.com/2008/07/01/create-your-email-id-on-gmailcom/

Monday, July 16, 2012

How To Dribble Soccer Ball With Your Head Up

Keeping your head up is one of the core tenets of dribbling in soccer, along with keeping the ball moving and near your feet. Dribbling a soccer ball is "a case of continually looking up and down," says Wes Harvey, former men's soccer team coach at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. You have to look down to see the ball and your feet. Then lift your head up to see where your teammates are in relation to the opponent for a possible pass or shot.

Step 1

Tap, poke or kick the ball. Look up as you run to where you need to be for the next dribble. Keep your head up as much as possible as you dribble, especially if you have good peripheral vision, Harvey advises. "The classic thing I say to players is that when you are hitting a baseball, you don't look away; similarly, you look at the ball when you make contact in soccer." After you push the ball forward, look up.

Step 2

Keep your glances down at the ball and your feet brief. "You don't have to stare at the ball," Harvey notes. "You do have to be aware of where it is." Stay conscious of the fact that maintaining excellent field vision is just as important as good control of the ball.

Step 3

Prepare to receive a pass by keeping your head up, especially if you are a forward. Conduct a quick check around you to see where everyone is and which way they are moving, so when the ball comes, you are prepared to dribble or pass -- or hold the ball while looking for a better option. "The problem is, if someone is moving and then cuts in a different direction, if you don't look up, you pass to where they were headed, not where they are headed," Harvey observes.

Step 4

Improve your ability to dribble the ball with your head up by practicing a drill such as Peter Pan Dribbling, described in "The Baffled Parent's Guide to Great Soccer Drills." Have a partner hold a soccer ball and run in unpredictable patterns in the center circle of a soccer field. Dribble your own soccer ball to stay in his shadow, keeping your head up to track your partner. Add other pairs of teammates to the center circle, also shadowing each other, to add a higher degree of challenge.

source : http://www.livestrong.com/article/499664-how-to-dribble-a-soccer-ball-with-your-head-up/

How To Make A Pizza

How To Make A Pizza

Pizza was thought of in Italy but traveled across the atlantic to begin in the U.S,it has now become a popular type of food, it can go with almost anything and creating your own could taste better than the ones you buy in the shop. This article will give you 2 different ways of creating your pizza, one method is faster than the other!
* Dough or premade dough
* Tomato paste
* Pepperoni
* Cheese
* Any other toppings you want.
* Olive oil(Optional)
Oven Method (Slower)
1. Preheat your oven to about 180c or 350F. (C=Celsius F=Fahrenheit.)
2. Buy ready-made pizza bases,. If you have plenty of time, then you can just get dough.
3. Spread tomato paste on your pizza base. .
4. Add a sprinkling of cheese.
5. Add any other toppings that you might enjoy
6. Place your pizza on an oven tray sprayed with olive-oil, so that the pizza doesn’t stick.
7. Put your pizza in the oven, and turn it down to about 160C or 320F degrees. #Take it out after about 15 – 25 minutes, depending on your oven. Use your own judgment to tell when the pizza is ready. The cheese should be a golden brown, but it should not be burnt.
Grill Method (Faster)
1. Spread the sauce all over the tortilla but you might want to leave a little crust around the edge.
2. Put on your toppings and arrange.
3. Grate the cheese over the pizza.
4. Simply put it under the grill. Be careful not to get burned and your pizza could sizzle and pop because of the common bubbles in the pizza crust.
5. Take it out after three minutes, it should be done!
Wood-fired oven method (Even faster)
1. Get your pizza base, it can be any sort, although it can’t be more than 2 cms thick.
2. Place your tomato base and toppings on.
3. Make sure your Wood-fired oven is very hot for the best pizza ever and to help the pizza cook faster.
4. Put your pizza into the oven, preferably on a tray so the base does not burn.
5. Turn your pizza every 30 seconds for two minutes, and at the 1:30 mark take it off the tray. Now your pizza should be done.
6. Take your pizza out and enjoy!

How to Make Fried Rice

How to Make Fried Rice
Would you like to make a nice, steaming, pan full of fried rice? Fried rice is very easy to make, also delicious. It can be prepared in many ways, this is just one of them. It takes 20 minutes to prepare and it goes with lots of things! Read on to learn how to make this excellent dish!


  • White Rice that's previously been cooked
  • 2 Carrots
  • Yellow Onion
  • Garlic
  • 3 eggs
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Soy Sauce
  • Green Onion
  • Sesame Oil
  • Shrimp,Chicken,and/or pork/tofu(optional)
  • corn or broccoli will work too


1.       4 cups previously cooked rice
2.       Wash the vegetables. Then, dice the carrots and onions into small pieces. Set them aside for the next step.
3.       Add oil and heat up the pan to 100 degrees.
4.       Toss the vegetables into the pan for about 3 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of salt into the pan.
5.       Boil the chicken or shrimp with the rest of the ingredients (optional).
6.       Put a bit more oil into the frying pan.
7.       Add an egg and scramble with the other ingredients
8.       Toss the rice in carefully. Add approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy sauce while frying
9.       Put fried rice on a dish and it's ready to serve!

Resensi Novel Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan | Contoh resensi novel

Resensi Novel Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan | Contoh resensi novel
Resensi Novel
Judul Buku : Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan
Pengarang : Agnes Davonar
Penerbit : Inandra Publised, Jakarta
Tahun : 2008
Tebal Novel : 232 Halaman
Kategori : True Story (non fiksi)

Andaikan,….. semua dapat terulang kembali,
Tetapi pernahkah anda berfikiran tentang itu?
Pernahkah anda mengira-ngira apa yang akan terjadi
Jika semuanya dapat terulang kembali?
Dalam novelnya ini, Agnes Davonar menekankan makna sebuah waktu dalam kehidupan di dunia ini.
Kisah nyata gadis berusia 13 tahun bertahan hidup dari kanker ganas paling mematikan di dunia.

Tuhan …………..
Andai aku bisa kembali
Aku tak ingin ada tangisan di dunia ini
Tuhan …………
Andai aku bisa kembali
Aku berharap tidak ada lagi hal yang sama terjadi padaku
Terjadi pada orang lain
Tuhan ……………
Bolehkah aku menulis Surat Kecil Untuk-Mu?
Tuhan …………….
Bolehkah aku memohon satu hal kecil pada-Mu?
Tuhan ………………
Biakanlah aku bisa dapat melihat dengan mataku
Untuk memandang langit dan bulan setiap harinya.

Cuplikan diatas adalah sepenggal bait dari tulisan Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika atau yang sering dipanggil keke. Rabdosmiosarkoma atau kanker jaringan lunak pertama di Indonesia. Keke adalah seorang gadis remaja berusia 13 tahun. Ketika divonis memiliki penyakit kanker mematikan tersebut dalam waktu 5 hari.
Kanker jaringan lunak menggerogoti bagian wajahnya sehingga terlihat seperti monster. Walau dalam keadaan sulit keke terus berjuang untuk tetap bersekolah seperti layaknya gadis normal lainnya.
Perjuangan panjang keke dalam melawan kanker ternyata membuahkan hasil Kebesaran Tuhan membuatnya dapat bersama keluarga serta sahabat yang ia cintai lebih lama. Keberhasilan Dokter Indonesia dalam menyembuhkan kasus kanker pertama kali terjadi di Indonesia ini menjadi prestasi yang membanggakan sekaligus membuat semua dokter dunia bertanya-tanya.

Namun kanker itu kembali setelha pesta kebahagiaan sesaat. Keke sadar nafasnya di dunia semakin sempit. Ia tidak marah pada Tuhan, ia justru bersyukur mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bernafas lebih lama dari lima hari bertahan 3 tahun lamanya, walaupun pada akhirnya ia harus menyerah. Dokterpun akhirnya menyerah terhadap kankernya. Dinafas terakhir itulah ia menuliskan sebuah Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan.

Surat yang penuh dengan kebesaran hati remaja Indonesia yang berharap tidak ada air mata di dunia ini terjadi padanya, terjadi pada siapapun. Kalimat tersebut ternyata merupakan tema pokok novel ini.

Tokoh Keke merupakan teladan bagi kaum remaja semuanya, Keke adalah tokoh masih muda,tidak putus asa, selalu mensyukuri nikmat dan tidak mengeluh akan semua cobaan yang dihadapinya. Ia selalu berusaha ceria di depan orang-orang terdekatnya walaupun dengan semua cobaan yang dihadapinya.

Dapat dilihat pada bagian V tentang “Hari Indah Itu Telah Datang” pada paragraph ke-3, Aku mensyukuri semua karena ini adalah cobaan Tuhan untukku.
Kesalahan besar bagi seorang teman apabila lebih mementingkan egonya demi kepentingan pribadi, Padahal temannya tersakiti. Seharusnya seorang teman harus mempunyai rasa pengertian dan kebersamaan yang tinggi kepada temannya sendiri.

Agnes Davonar, sebagai pengarang yang berpengalaman mampu menghidupkan jalan cerita dengan urut mulai dari bagian I samapai XI, dan mampu menghidupkan suasana waktu terjadi ketegangan.

Dalam hal ini pengarang sering memasukan pesan-pesan yang disampaikan melalui dialog para tokoh, dialog seperti itu tidak sesuai setting.
Terlepas dari kekurangan yang ada, hadirnya Novel “Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan” menambah peredaran novel di Indonesia. Novel ini teramat saying untuk kita lewatkan begitu saja, karena novel ini bisa menambah nilai moral remaja Indonesia.

Slight the problem

The strongest power of us is power to slight the problem
But you focus on your strategy

Agus Rahmat A.

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